Monday, 13 December 2010

Blink 182 Interview Inspiration

Music Magazine: What's in a name?

This will help me understand further about the knowing of the title for my music magazine. I know that I will need to think quite deep into a title that really grabs the Indie Audience. I think I could use something that refers to Indie music well. Ideas could include: Guitar, Acoustic, Beat, Rhythm. The ideas for a name following these factors of Indie could be, Acoustical Rhythm, Indie Nation & Indie Beat.  

Music Magazine Write Up - NME

Following this write up I have been able to conclude that the audience I will be aiming this Indie Rock magazine on is young adults as they are more likely to be interested in this current music. Also on the front page, I will need to be talking about upcoming festivals/gigs or band news as this is what will entice the younger generation to read more about in the centre pieces of the magazine. Also I know that I will need to be including bright colours to suit the Indie style.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Reflection on my Student Magazine

For my student magazine I decided to use the software 'Adobe InDesign CS3'. This software was the easiest to use as this program is specifically made for layout of Magazines and posters. InDesign was more suitable then something like Word as that is used for Letters and Writing mainly whereas InDesign you can move and rotate objects and shapes and also change the effects of the writing to give it a more 3-D effect. I don't think that there was any down side for using this software when creating my Student magazine. I think that if I were to pick something that I least liked about InDesign it would be that you can't change the size of the images without creating the cross box tool which allows you to drag an image into it. This wasn't too much hassle but if I had to pick something it would be that.

Flickr Link

Here is a link to my Flickr Page:

Student Magazine Front Page and Contents Page

Original Images Used for Student Magazine

Student Magazine Proposal

IPC Media Case Study

Music Magazine - Rule of Thirds Analysis